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26. Oktober 2019 ⏰ 20:00
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1 o’clock – 2 o’clock – 3 o’clock – Rock
New Rockabilly Band goes Swing
As the rising star of Las Vegas show heaven, Hillrockabilly brings you that authentic bright lights city rockabilly sound you’ve always known and loved – you know, the one from your last night out at Planet Hollywood, Caesar’s or elsewhere on The Strip.
Hear your favorite 50’s songs and experience the familiar tunes of the Stray-Cats, Buddy Holly, Gene Vincent, Eddie Cochran, Chuck Berry, Carl Perkins, Elvis Presley, the Shadows, the Ventures – to name but a few – all under the lights of the neon rainbow. Become acquainted with brand new Hillrockabilly originals. Check into your most-loved Hillrockabilly classics.
Not only does Hillrockabilly perform perhaps the hottest music on the planet, the ever-popular “Fabulous Las Vegas Rockabilly Show” is presented, for your listening pleasure and at your leisure, in a real time southern drawl, by three remarkable musicians:
Gabbie Awesome (bass & backing vocals), Bobby Terrific (guitar and lead vocals) and Conrad Fabulous (drums, percussion & backing vocals) Their mission: to live up to rockabilly nobility and take it straight to your heart. See them play for love, for Lady Luck and for music itself in God knows the most unusual late night rockabilly show ever! Just please, don’t take ’em too seriously…
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